Here’s a hint:
your generation is both.

Over 20% of this country is Gen Z but less than 6% of its elected officials are younger than 35.

The minimum age to run for US Representative is 25 yet the current average age of a US Representative is 57.

The minimum age to run for US Senate is 30 yet the current average age of a US Senator is 64.

The minimum age to run for US President is 35 yet our current president is 81 and the one before him was 74.

How well do these elected officials represent you? How well do their societal/ideological concerns and priorities reflect yours? How well do they have your generation’s best interests in mind?

Despite being over 20% of this country’s population, it wasn’t until our most recent election cycle–2022’s Midterms–that the FIRST and ONLY Gen Z’er was elected to Congress:

And that’s just our federal government! What about Gen Z representation in your state and local government?

Our democracy should continually be moving towards a place where it works for everyone so how well do all these elected officials represent you?

“Some people view politics as a service to others while some view it as an opportunity for themselves.”


Zander Moricz
SEE Alliance

of Gen Z voters agree with the statement that “Elected officials seem to be motivated by selfish reasons.”


want more open-mindedness in politics. And that’s across both Gen Z Republicans and Democrats!

“I think there are some of us who maybe are kind of scared to use our voice just out in public because there are so many extreme views out there. In some ways our generation,  after being thrown around from the extremes so much, we kind of want some middle ground.”

Maddie Stanik, 18-yo

This tremendous desire for open mindness is a result of your generation’s interconnectivity. This greater desire for equality and empathy makes total sense given you’re the most ethnically/racially diverse and educated generation in US history.

Remember the first Gen Z Congressional member I mentioned above? Guess what? Mr. Frost is a child of a Lebanese/Argentine mother and Haitian father.

So the good news is that racial and ethnic representation is growing with each new Congress after Presidential and Midterm election cycles:

But the not so good news is that total still is just a tiny drop in the bucket and well short of reflecting our country’s diverse voter population.

so want to shape
our government tobetter
represent you?
a government that
listensMORE to your generation?

a government that
reflects our